Sunday, November 15, 2009

oh hai!!

long weekend of derby as I sat on my couch and watch the Declaration of Derby. Congrats Oly for winning Nationals. Please come to Lincoln and train my ass into a skater that is 1/4 as good as the worst skater on your league. I would still be kick ass. Like for real yo.

Went to practice tonight (oh and I went last Monday too but only for an hour since Rob had to work), One of our refs who is really experienced at skating loosened my trucks on my goodness!!! It was like heaven! I first started skating with my orthotics in but had to take them out almost immediately since my entire right leg began to hurt. But the loosening of the trucks made a difference. Because of this pain, I missed the catch the pack drill it hurt so bad to skate. I'm hoping that this easy fix will cure my problem of foot and ankle cramping. le feet aren't sore tonight so yay!

Another night of practice tomorrow and it will be a short one again since Rob has to work. Have I ever mentioned that late practices cause me to lose sleep? Last week after that Monday practice, I had trouble sleeping, then started to feel sick. I ended up staying home from work on Wednesday and Thursday since I felt yucky. Now I gave that same yuckiness to Rob although I think he is starting to feel better.

So, I decided that I really have to start pushing myself a lot harder. I almost wish that there was someone who would really ride me to do better. But only a little; not push me until I get all irritated. When we get home I sometimes complain about various ailments and Rob gets irritated with me. That's why I need a derby wife who will push me to do better. Any takers?

Monday, November 9, 2009

on track=new challenges

So we had the 2nd night of practice and i was only to attend for an hour before heading home. It was a long day since I worked from 9-5, went to a NCDG Board meeting immediately after work until about about 7:30. The rushed home, changed, spent a few minutes with Mini-me, ate some delicious baked cheese sandwiches, then off to practice only a few minutes late!

We did some basic skills tonight like crossovers around a cone, t-stops and turn stops. The crossovers were hard to do in a circle actually and I wished we could have done them on the track. The turn stops are a challenge as I have trouble turning not to mention that I am a big pussy when it comes to doing it since I have a fear of falling on my tail bone. But I definitely need to get over that and just do it.

I want to go skate on Thursday and work on turn stops and some agility basics. Le sigh. I also got my orthotics and want to put those inserts into my boots and see if that helps my cramping.

Our old coach showed up tonight after a lot of smack talk and just being a general asshole last season. He's really condescending and acts like you're beneath all acknowledgement if he doesn't like you. Guess how I know that? Hmmmmm...he acts the same way with Rob too. As if we are somehow below his notice or aren't worth the respect. All I have to say to that he can kiss my rock hard Fugitives...There is a reason why you weren't kept around jerk face and there is a reason why you aren't welcomed back this season either.

On a positive note, I drank 40 ounces of water today!! And ate both breakfast AND lunch. Woo hoo!

Posting=staying on track

I wonder if posting more would keep me honest about what I am doing. Hmm...considering that no one reads this blog, it may not but I suppose I just have to try it and see.

Our first new skater practice was last night and I think it went well. My feet cramp horribly. Like numb feet in my skates numb so I am going to buy some inserts that Midlife Crashes from ORG recommends. Of course she uses them for super high arches but I'm hoping a little more support in my skates will help. I hate to be the girl that has to stop to shake out her feet and get the cramping to stop. Sylvia Bullet also suggested upping my potassium intake and drinking more water. So I ate a banana and plan on drinking more water. And maybe eating another banana later.

Anyway, I plan on working on my endurance and maybe running on off days. I want to try spinning too but have to figure out the whole Y membership thing. Right now, Rob and I are trying to pay stuff off and save money for a house. Things would go much faster if I could score a PT job. If only derby paid....I'd have tons of billable hours !